10 tips to winterize your home

Consider these maintenance and end-of-season activities to winterize your house and preserve your property as the temperature begins to drop. With these 10 Tips to winterize your home.

1. Examine the gutters.

Prevent ice dams by clearing out your gutters, adding gutter guards, and insulating the floor of your attic. The attic should be well-ventilated and around 10 degrees warmer than the exterior.

2. Safeguard the pipelines

Insulate pipes that are sensitive to freezing to prevent them from becoming frozen. When the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, maintain a steady flow of water in a few faucets to prevent freezing and bursting. Consider opening the cabinet doors under kitchen and bathroom sinks to allow warm air to surround the pipes and keep them from freezing.

3. Seal the crevices

Caulk around windows, doors, air conditioners, and mail chutes to prevent cold air from entering. Additionally, you can install weather stripping and seals to prevent against heat loss. Try these for covering your air conditioners: 

4. Stop the slipping and falling.

Keep driveways and sidewalks free of ice and snow, and fix any problems with stairs and railings. You may also be prepared for winter weather by having deicing salt on hand to sprinkle on your stairs, sidewalks, and driveway. Read the instructions for correct distribution and protective equipment.

5. Install a release in case of emergency.

Consider adding a pressure relief valve in the plumbing system. This will guard against the increased pressure created by frozen pipes, so preventing their rupture. In addition, it is important to understand how to turn off the water and find your pipes.

6. Keep it comfortable.

Adjust your thermostat to a minimum of 65 degrees Fahrenheit and ensure that your home or apartment is adequately insulated. Consider installing a programmed or energy-efficient thermostat to preserve warm air in the places you use the most without incurring excessive energy costs.

7. Inspect your heating system.

At least once a year, furnaces, boilers, and chimneys should be serviced to remove any buildup and maintain effective operation.

8. Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.

In winter, residential fires are more prevalent, thus it is imperative that all of your smoke detectors are operational. Examine them monthly and replace the batteries if necessary. You should also consider installing a carbon monoxide monitor to prevent unintended accumulation of the poisonous gas.

9. Keep your yard clear

Keep the trees pruned and clear the yard of dead limbs and trash. Ice, snow, and wind can weaken trees and cause limbs to fall, potentially causing damage to your property, vehicle, or even yourself or others.

10. Organize the hose.

Remove and store all garden hoses that are attached to the home. Insulate the faucet and turn off the valves.

If you intend to spend the winter in the south, you must take additional measures. Turn off the water completely and consider draining the plumbing system to prevent frozen pipes. Additionally, have a friend or neighbor routinely inspect your home for any concerns. If a problem is found, take swift action to limit potential property damage. 

Use these 10 Tips to winterize your home.

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